Partners capacity building

About the Course

​Given the current needs for de-radicalisation, Disarmament and Reintegration during and in post conflict settings, the frequent exposure of communities to extremist ideologies, failing community conflict resolution mechanisms which could address the pull and push factors and limited capacity of relevant State and non state actors to play their role; there has been a critical need for capacity enhancement. This training is tailored to empower stakeholders at local, national and regional levels to be more prepared while managing and coordinating support during peace keeping operations. 

The training aims to strengthen capacity and improve design for initiatives while aligning intervention goals to standard common practices including counter-violent extremism through high level interactions with experts and field experience in Africa.



The purpose of this training is to strengthen the capacity of DDR practitioners to better respond to the post conflict reconstruction and conflict transformation. They will also be able to;



This training will last for 7 days; there will be classroom discussion and field visits arranged to expose the learners to post conflict communities in northern Uganda. This will help learners gain a deeper sense of the local and international environment in which post conflict reconstruction should consider. This course is designed to widen the learners’ knowledge and practice on;


During this training, different interactive, learner-based approaches will be utilised. This will include presentations, discussions, group work and scenario-based exercises. There will also be reflections at group level and individual to support the learning experience.


This training is suitable to practitioners with intermediate knowledge on peace-building mechanisms, community policing and civil military relations and have a great sense of motivation to study DDR/PCVE. Civil servants including the police, military personnel, academics, diplomats, representatives of government institutions or Agencies, non-governmental organisations and researchers from various institutions from different geographical locations. in order to fully assimilate the contents of the course, participants are expected to actively engage with trainers, the course material, and with other participants.


LANGUAGE: ​As the course is taught fully in English, fluency is a requirement.

There are three training schedules for each year as below; 


The course fee has been revised to USD 350 for online option and USD 910 for the face to face program covering specific in-country  training costs directly related to meals, local transfers and hotels. 


Participants are also expected to cover their air travel to and from Uganda. The course organisers will not be in a position to provide admitted participants with visa assistance in excess of a formal letter of invitation.


Send your application or any other enquiries to email :